To Ross Baker, sales manager of Bobbs-Merrill’s trade book department [Letter 174]

Item Reference Code: 092_08x_004_001

Date(s) of creation

November 21, 1945


Ross Baker


[Page 1]
10,000 Tampa Avenue
Chatsworth, California

November 21, 1945

Mr. Ross G. Baker
The Bobbs-Merrill Company
468 Fourth Avenue
New York City

Dear Ross:

Here is the copy of the pamphlet about me and “The Fountainhead.” 

It was a much harder job than I feared, and I’ve worked on it ever since I came back home. After many tries, I found that it was impossible to do it in the third person, as an article written about me by somebody else. It sounds less stuffy, more natural and with more life to it when coming straight from me. If the readers want to know something about me as a person, this will do it.

I suggest that you call the pamphlet “To the readers of “The Fountainhead”, and that you put an explanatory note at the beginning, something like: “We have received so many enquiries from readers about The Fountainhead and its author that we have asked Miss Rand to write a special answer.”[*]

I would like to have the “Thank you” and the signature reproduced from my handwriting at the end of the printed pamphlet, just as I have it in the copy. I think that would make a nice personal touch—unless you find it inadviseable. Also, if adviseable, you might use my picture on the cover (same one as on the book’s jacket)—I get a few requests for pictures, so that would cover both types of requests.

Since the article is in my name, I want to have it printed exactly as I wrote it. But if you have any objections to any part or some suggestions to make, please let me know and I’ll try to adjust it, or send me the copy back, marked with your suggestions. Please do not set it up in print with changes without my approval. If you okay it as it is, please send me a proof of it before the final printing. I’d like a chance to go over it once more. And I’ll return the proof to you promptly.

Under separate cover I am sending you the copy of “Anthem” I promised.

I haven’t yet signed the tip sheets—but will, I haven’t forgotten.

[Page 2]

I was glad to see the Bobbs-Merrill ad for “The Fountainhead” in last Sunday’s New York Times book section. Thank you.

Had a nice trip back and am reconciled to California for the time being—but there’s no place like New York for me.

My best regards to Mr. Hurley, Mr. Williams and yourself,



Ayn Rand


*See Letter 590 in Chapter 10 for this pamphlet.